Project site documentation

Octavi Fornés <>

Any project that should to publish documentation, should to use the Maven site plugin.

The site will be published with github pages, so as site is for project, the site is published at branch gh-pages.

Creating initial gh-pages

You should to create the branch with git. The content of the new branch should to be only a empty file named .nojekill, that bypass use of jekill parser. No other contents should to be present in branch.

At your folder local repository, without changes to commit, do:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages
touch .nojekill
git add .nojekill
git commit -m "Site initial commit"
git push origin gh-pages

Thats is all. Change to develop branch to create site

Site content

At branches develop and main of project, but no gh-pages, should to add the site structure and content.

The site folder structure is:

+- src/
|   +- site/
|       +- markdown/
|       |  +-
|       |  +-
|       +- site.xml
|       +- resources/
|                +- css/
|                |  +- ...
|                |
|                +- images/
|                |  +- ...
|                |
|                +- js/
|                |  +- ...
|   +- pom.xml

At this point, content should to be added as needed by project.

In order to help creation of site.xml, can use the template site_template.html[site.xml]

Also, the minimal resources set can be download from this project release at maven central:

Or, if you want to automatically download and extract to generated site directory, put the following snippet at build/plugins sections on your pom.xml:


Remember to use mvn site for site generation, and not mvn site:site because the first invoke the pre-site phase and the second doesn’t.

Site deploy

In order to deploy your site documentation, should to use the plugin scm-publish:

mvn clean site scm-publish:publish-scm

Remember to create the initial pages before use the publish command!